Alan Worf

Alan worf, inner harmony yoga, missoula
Alan is a Missoula native who first tried yoga in an after-school class at Hellgate High.  He remembers feeling awkward and weird for doing such silly things with his time.  If it wasn't for the pleasant-floaty experience imparted by that practice, he might have never returned.  He did, though, and through the next decade, yoga slowly permeated more and more of Alan's life.  It kept him sane as he studied physics and philosophy in college, it kept him supple as he sailed the Pacific, it helped him stay grounded through innumerable challenges along life's path.

Alan's growing fascination with yoga recently prompted a four month journey to India, where he studied the Hatha tradition with several excellent teachers, and earned his RYT-200.  These days, he comes to his mat for a variety of reasons: to energize and relax; to develop control of the mind and to learn to let go; to build confidence and subdue the ego.  He embraces the difficulty of trying to accomplish such opposing tasks, and has come to understand that yoga is often about bringing opposites - and for that matter, everything - together in balance.  Existence of any kind cannot sustain without balance, and so he has come to
Alan worf, inner harmony yoga, missoula
favor the cheeky maxim: "As surely as there would be no balance without Alan, there would be no Alan without balance."  Alan believes that yoga, health, wealth, vitality, union, magic, life, and happiness are all synonymous in the end.  He sees these things not as goals or destinations, but as kinds of doing.  They are  all practical, and thus they are a practice.  This practice must be continuously adjusted and reformulated in order to avoid extremes; It requires dynamic stillness; It requires balance.

What to Expect Attending Alan’s Class:

Alan is continuously learning more about yoga, and is eager to share his knowledge in the studio.  He uses a blend of traditional postures and creative exercises to help you develop your practice.  In his classes you can expect to laugh, and feel free to cry.  Expect to find movement in stillness and stillness in movement.  Expect a growing awareness of your body and mind to overwhelm your ability to be aware of anything but the moment.  On most days, Alan is available in the studio before and after class to discuss yoga and answer questions, and is also fond of introducing yogic methods of pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation after class.

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